Facelifting - possibilities & limitations

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Face Lifting & Mini Facelift

Most people find a groomed and attractive appearance very important. Yet the biological clock keeps on ticking, and life leaves its traces on every face. A face lift – the tightening of sagging skin in the face – offers the possibility of turning back the time a bit to return some of the youthfulness you are still feeling.

The possibilities and limitations of facial tightening

A face lift cannot stop the aging process of your skin, however this surgical procedure can rejuvenate your facial expression by five to ten years. The forehead becomes smoother, the area around the eyes appears fresh and open. If these effects are to look natural, then the skin should not be stretched too tightly. The face must retain its characteristic features. A face smoothed out like a mask looks artificial and no longer matches the total appearance. However when a face lift is done by qualified surgeons, it does not strike one immediately. The face looks rested and fresh, as if you have just returned from a relaxing vacation.

In order to adapt the treatment to your individual expectations and needs, there are a range of possibilities available. Some people require only a forehead lift to remove the frown lines and lift the eyebrows. If the lines appear mainly in the cheek region, then often a “mini” lifting procedure suffices. In this procedure, only the cheeks and the underlying tissue are tightened. The classic face lift, in comparison, treats the temples, cheeks and neck together in one operation. At the same time sunk in brows and lids can be corrected and fat deposits can be removed through a procedure with minimum invasion.

The surgeon cannot tackle the lines directly at the mouth when doing a cheek and neck lift. For this reason, Professor Dr. Germann and his team recommend a non-surgical procedure such as laser treatment, dermabrasion or a conservative wrinkle treatment in conjunction with a face lift for lines around the mouth.

The result of a face lift operation depends on various factors – including the elasticity of the skin. The more elastic your skin is, the better the result will be and the longer it will last. Most people who decide to have a face lift are between the ages of 40 and 60. Yet it can also successfully be done on older patients. The surgery can be repeated without any problems after roughly 10 years.

Surveys prove that most patients are very satisfied and happy with their new appearance. They feel better and are more satisfied with themselves. Those “years won” are frequently an incentive for positive changes.


The Risks of a Facelift

Experts consider face lifts as having few risks and as being a very safe procedure when performed by a qualified aesthetic plastic surgeon. As in every surgical procedure, bruising or swelling can occur, which usually heals on its own. If fine skin nerves are injured, the area operated on could be numb for a while. These sensations disappear within several weeks by themselves.

If post-operative bleeding occurs and there is increased swelling of the face, the surgeon may have to remove blood. However, such complications are very seldom. It is also very rare for the wound to become infected. Infections generally heal when treated correspondingly, in some cases with an antibiotic. Lastly, delayed wound healing of the skin can occur. This is also very seldom and develops only when certain circumstances such as heavy smoking, diabetes or blood clotting problems affect the healing process. The risk of an injury to the facial nerves is minimal when qualified surgeons operate.

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