Facelifting Tips

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Aftercare of facelifting surgery


The first few days after the operation there can be slight pain in the areas of the face that were operated on, restricting facial expressions and the movement of your head. To mainly avoid pain, we have developed a special concept in our clinic to “eliminate pain”.

On the first day after surgery, the drainage tubes laid by the surgeon are usually removed. The bandage can either be immediately taken off or in the next few days. To avoid major swelling, it is advisable to move the head as little as possible in the first days following surgery. Looking in the mirror immediately following the operation can cause some disquiet. For your face will appear unfamiliar at first. The swelling changes your facial features, facial expression is restricted and the incisions are visible. However the swelling, bruises and also any possible numbness of certain areas will disappear shortly after the surgery. Cooling the face and resting well will speed up the healing process.

This is why we recommend reserving the first week after the surgery for resting. Five to seven days after the surgery the first stitches are removed. In the areas of the scalp where there is hair, the stitches or clips will stay in somewhat longer, as the healing process is slower here. In order not to endanger the healing process, patients should avoid alcohol and nicotine. You should refrain from physical exercise the next four weeks.

However, patients may resume their normal daily activities several days following surgery. The incisions will become paler until they are only visible as thin, white lines. After the second week you will notice the positive result. The facial features look fresh and relaxed. You can look forward to the effect you will have on your surroundings! Most people go back to work as soon as 10 to 14 days after their face lift.


The New You

With our professional-assesment and with realistic expectations, most patients are very satisfied with the result achieved. An improvement of your appearance often means the beginning of a “new life” with more self-satisfaction and an improved feeling of one’s own worth or value.

What is the next step?

No brochure or website can replace the need for individual counseling. The next step to finding the right solutions for you is to make an appointment with one of our specialists.

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