Eyelid Tightening - Initial consultation

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The eyes are the gateway to the soul – and that is how they should radiate. But the eyes are particularly susceptible to the ravages of time. A radiant look, clearly recognizable eyes appear likeable. Dark rings, bags or drooping eyelids are evidence of an aging face. They make people look tired and sometimes also sad.
The causes and treatment of rings around the eyes, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids are numerous. Often an eyelid lift of the upper and lower lids, in combination with a brow lift, will help to restore the desired fresh radiance.


Initial consultation for an eyelid surgery

The experts from the Clinic Vitalitas and their team will give you detailed answers to any questions you might have on the topic of eyelid lifting, dark rings, slipped eyelids and tear sacks. Arrange a personal appointment with the qualified specialists for aesthetic and plastic surgery right away.

The possibilities and limits of an eyelid surgery

By performing a blepharoplasty, excess skin and fat deposits in the area around the eyes are removed. The effect of a blepharoplasty, however, goes beyond that, as the eyes are an important medium of communication, you will radiate a younger and fresher overall impression. The eye surgery will not promise eternal youth. An eye lift will turn the clocks back but not stop time. Before any operation you will have a thorough briefing with the performing physician. It could be very helpful to you if you write down some questions beforehand. Do not hesitate to ask anything that interests you or to inquire at a later stage over the phone or to ask for any further details.


Risks of eyelid surgery

Generally surgery on eyelids have very low risk when performed by an experienced aesthetic plastic surgeon. However, complications that might occur can not be totally excluded and in individual cases some are not predictable. For example the extent and duration of swelling and bruising , which is to be expected after any surgery, is different with every patient. Very rare are infections of the wound area – that treated appropriately – don't necessarily affect the outcome. On occasions it can also happen, that the wounds will not heal quickly but this is usually due to facts that will be discussed extensively before the operation, i.e. delayed healing in diabetics, smokers and patients with bleeding disorders. If you choose a good surgeon and conscientiously adhere to the post operative requirements, the desired outcome is usually achieved without any complications and with good results.

Preparing for an eyelid surgery

Make sure you are in overall good health and are well-rested.

  1. Do not take any aspirin or similar drugs 14 days prior to the surgery, as these hinder the clotting of the blood. Should you take any other medication on a regular basis then please discuss this with the surgeon first.
  2. You should cut down the consumption of alcohol and nicotine to almost zero a few days before the operation. Best stop smoking all together.
  3. Plan seven to ten days after the operation so you have time to regenerate. In the first few days after the surgery you will not yet be physically fit enough to work.
  4. Make sure you have discussed all the questions with the surgeon before the surgery – best thing is to write down all your questions. Patients are required to sign an informed consent before any surgery. This consent documents the planned surgery and the possible risks involved. With your signature you acknowledge that you have been informed about the upcoming operation and its potential risks.
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