The eyelid operation – eyelid correction
Usually you do an upper or lower eyelid correction as an outpatient. This means you will be able to rest after the operation but that you can go home after the resting phase. Under no circumstances should you drive a car. In some cases it makes sense to stay a few days longer in the clinic. This is especially advisable in cases or pre-existing conditions when regular medical care seems necessary. In any case you will enjoy the advantages of being with Vitalitas where you will be looked after safely by trained and professional staff. The operation usually takes one and a half hours, depending on how many lids are to be corrected. It takes about 45 minutes per eye, if upper and lower eyelids are to be corrected. In individual cases the operation can also take longer. The process of an operation would usually be as follows:
- After disinfecting the surgical area and covering it with a sterile cover, fine incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper eyelid and just below the eyelashes of the lower lid. In some cases it is advisable to extend the incisions horizontally up to the first laugh lines at the sides of the eye (crow's feet).
- At the incision the epidermis is then gently lifted away from the underlying subcutaneous tissue and muscles. An important step is removing the bulging subcutaneous fat tissue that from the outside was visible as a tear sack. Then any existing muscle defects are corrected and the obtrusive surplus skin is removed.
- In the end the incisions are closed with very fine sutures. These are invisible from the outside because they are sewn in the skin.
What is a transconjunctival blepharoplasty?
If your problem is only small fat bags under the eyes (so called tear sacks) and no surplus skin needs to be removed, then it is possible to perform a correction with incisions through the conjunctiva. The surgeon will only make incisions at the subconjunctival and will not leave any visible scars. The effect, in this case can be improved by subsequent laser treatment.
The anaesthesia for an eyelid correction
In general an eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) is performed under local anaesthesia. Should you wish, you may get a tranquillizer beforehand, either in form of a tablet or by intravenous injection into the vein of your arm, which puts you into a kind of twilight sleep. You are hence awake but relaxed and insensitive to pain. It can happen that you might just feel a slight pulling or picking at your eyes during the surgery. If a general anaesthetics is planned, you will in any case be examined by an anaesthesiologist to clarify your anaesthesia compatibility. He will also be present throughout the entire operation to control/monitor the anaesthesia.
The follow-up for eyelid surgery
The first 24 hours after surgery
- You should stay in bed with your head elevated and only get up if you need to use the bathroom.
- You may remove any eye pads after 2 hours, or if they become uncomfortable you may remove them straight away.
- Then you should wear the ice glasses that were given to you, on top of the compresses that will be changed every hour. In order not to strain the fresh sutures you should never wear the glasses directly on your eyelids
- Please take the prescribed medication as directed. Sports activities are only allowed after a minimum of 2 weeks.
- Please talk to your surgeon if you:
- Feel pain in your eyes ( a slight burning of the eyelids is normal)
- Have vision problems (a slightly blurred vision after the operation is to be expected because of the swelling of the lids)
- If you notice a sudden swelling or bleeding
The eye care
- Wear the ice glasses as often as possible for the first 3 days after the surgery.
- You can wear eye make-up 2 days after the threads have been removed, underneath the lower eyelids you can carefully apply make-up after 48 hours. But spare the suture lines and be careful not to pull the sutures. Apply the make-up carefully with gentle dabbing movements.
- If you wear contact lenses you may wear these again as soon as they don't feel uncomfortable any more. When inserting the lenses be careful, especially in the first days after the threads have been removed, make sure you don't pull the wounds in order not to disrupt the healing of the sutures.
- Large sunglasses not only conceal post operative symptoms such as swelling but they also protect your eyes that will be somewhat sensitive to light for a few days.
- If you want to treat the dryness around your eyes then please do not use any conventional cosmetic cream in the first ten days. Instead use only panthenol creams or ointments. These again, you apply gently with a dabbing movement.
- Reading and watching TV are allowed in moderation after 2 days.
- Please leave the small plasters until your surgeon removes them.
General tips after an eyelid correction
- For the first week after the operation try to sleep with your head elevated, if possible on your back.
- Avoid any kind of strain in the first week and do not overly exert yourself too much in the first 2 weeks.
- You may take a shower or a bath the day after the operation but you should protect the region around the eyes.
- Most of the swelling will disappear after the first week. With some patients, (especially with skins that suffer from allergies) it might take longer.
- The whites of the eye might be a bit discoloured. This change is painless and in general does not interfere with the visibility and disappears again bit by bit.
- In rare cases the lower lid can stand off slightly from the eyeball, due to the swelling, but this disappears with the swelling. It could be advisable to have a lymphatic drainage done. But to avoid any risks, please discuss this first with your surgeon.
- After the eyelid correction the eyelids will feel slightly taut and you might not be able to close them completely. The skin of the eyelid will gradually close up with the eyeball – be patient, this change will also soon be over.
- A slight burning and tearing of the eyes after the operation is not unusual. Should you be very disturbed by it, your doctor will prescribe suitable eye drops.
Be happy!
With the correct indication and with realistic expectation, most of the patients are very pleased with the achieved results. The improvement of the external appearance often means the beginning of a 'New Life'. They are happier with themselves and have a higher self esteem.
What is the next step?
No brochure or website can replace a personal consultation. The next step to your dream destiny is to make an appointment with our specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. In a personal conversation they will answer all your questions and will develop an individual treatment plan with you.
Call us – our friendly Vitalitas service team will be happy to make an appointment for you. Tel. +496321 9297542. Free first consultation.
Your happiness is our goal.