Breast Augmentation Implants

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What kind of implants are there and what should you consider when selecting an implant?

Our breast implants

What kind of implants are there and what should you consider when selecting an implant?

In the Clinic Vitalitas we only use the highest quality implants from leading manufacturers like Allergan or Eurosilicone. They offer a wide selection of implants of varying size, shape and surface texture. What should you consider?

Initial consultation

The experts from the Clinic Vitalitas will answer all questions on the subject in detail. However, no brochure can substitute a personal detailed consultation with a qualified specialist for aesthetic and plastic surgery. Why not make your own personal consultation appointment now or visit one of our informative evenings?


Anatomie Brust

The anatomy of the female breast

The breast consists of fatty tissue, glandular tissue and connective tissue, all surrounded by blood vessels, milk ducts, glands and nerves. The fatty tissue gives the breast its softness and shape. The flexibility of the skin also influences the shape of the breast. Owing to years of research and experiments our suppliers offer the medical profession a significant program on breast implants. All implants are of highest quality, most innovative and of outstanding product quality. This is why Vitalitas offers you exactly the implant that will meet your high expectations.
Nature supplies us with a huge variety of different kinds of breast shapes. Eurosilicone offers round or anatomical implant shapes in various sizes and profiles, suitable to your body type and your personal requirements. Variable projection – low, moderate and full, to be able to meet the patients wish for smaller, moderate or bigger projections


The different Implant shapes

Different implant shapes

Nature supplies us with a huge variety of different kinds of breast shapes. Our suppliers offer round or anatomical implant shapes in various sizes and profiles, suitable to your body type and your personal requirements. Variable projection – low, moderate and full, to be able to meet the patients wish for smaller, moderate or bigger projections.

Runde Form 85%Round form 85% full Runde Form 100%Round form 100% full Anatomische FormAnatomical shape


Implant Surfaces

The breast implants offer either a smooth or a structured surface. The silicon covers have a special protective coating that will effectively prevent the leaking of silicon molecules. Foreign body reaction (so-called capsular contractures) are formed depending on the surface of the foreign body in the human body. This is also the case when introducing an implant. It was proven in extensive studies that textured implants cause a significantly lower amount of capsular contracture.


The implant material – silicone

Silicone is a man-made artificial polymer made of silicon, oxygen and carbon. Depending on their structure, silicones can be liquid, gel like or solid. Eurosilicone breast implants are made of silicone elastomer and the purest silicone gel.



The Premium lifetime warranty

All Implants inserted by Vitalitas clinic offer all patients a lifetime product replacement warranty from the supplier.
The patients are provided with a specific implant guarantee pass.

  • automatic and cost-free registration
  • lifetime guarantee in case of fissures of material defects or severe capsular contracture (Baker III and IV)
  • financial financial support of up to maximum Euro 1.000,-- towards the surgery costs

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