Aftercare for breast tightening
In the first few days after surgery when your breasts are sensitive we take steps to reduce the swelling. Mild pain is normal for which we prescribe painkillers. In the hospital we have developed a special concept for the pain to be largely avoided.
In the event of a sudden pain occurring or bleeding or any abnormal feelings you should immediately inform your surgeon and get advice. The wounds are regularly monitored and in the first few days the drains are removed. Within the first three weeks the stitches can also be removed. The bandages can be removed after some days and for the first three to six weeks a tight fitting bra should be worn.
The operation scars will be hard and will appear reddish but they gradually fade and become inconspicuous. The scar healing can be assisted by the use of creams.In order to avoid pigment changes in the skin you should not expose the scars to sunlight for at least six months. Any bruising or swelling disappear for the most part within the first two weeks. Some patients can take longer and warm weather can cause swelling.
In the first four weeks you should be careful not to exert yourself. In this period do not pick up any heavy objects or stretch your arms above shoulder height. If you do not follow this advice you will be putting undue strain on the skin sutures and the healing of the wound will be prejudiced. Please seek advice from your surgeon about how you should manage your work and when you can fully resume your normal life.
Following the procedure your breasts will be under pressure for at least three to four weeks. Once the wound drainage is removed you will be able to shower but you should avoid getting warm water on the breasts for a few weeks. It is best to discuss with your surgeon the skin creams you should use for the any swelling and bruising. After a few days you will get the first impressions of the shape of your new breasts although the final result will not be seen for three to six months. Your surgeon may have been able to minimise or even totally avoid any scaring being seen but a correction after is even better. After breast tightening most women are very satisfied with the outcome of their operation and ejoy their new appearance. The patients report a higher activity level and an increased enjoyment of life.
You should keep in contact with your aesthetic plastic surgeon by making regular appointments. Over the course of the years weight may be gained or lost and the body ages so it may be a further procedure will be available to maintain the feeling of wellbeing.
The New You
with our professional assessment and with realistic expectations for your breast-lift most clients are very satisfied with the result achieved. The improvement in the appearance often means the beginning of a "new life". You will have a higher self-satisfaction and increased self-esteem.
What is the next step to get a Breast Lift?
No brochure or web site can replace an individual consultation. The next step towards achieving your goals is to book an appointment with our specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. The private meeting will be one to one and you will be able to ask all your questions and work together with the specialist to determine the treatment just for you.
Call us - our friendly team Vitalitas will make an appointment for you: Phone +49 63 21-92 97 542.
Your happiness is our goal.